Page 8 - Road Recycler Machine Attachments Brochure
P. 8

Support skids (to avoid
sinking) are adjustable in
height and easily removed
➔ for deep work. Additional
options are not necessary
for the machine to pene-
trate to its maximum depth
(support skids assembled).

All of the machines are set

up for the installation of the

water system (rear

installation also).
Teon inserts , easily re-
placed, they ensure that
➔ the two frames slide easily.

All parts subject to wear
are easy to remove and
may be replaced from
outside. Rear hood with hydraulic
➔ ➔ adjustment to regulate the
quantity of material in

Structural plate with high
➔ elastic limits (Weldox) to
ensure high strength and
easy handling.

Synchronization of
the two cylinders that

move the two frames is
ensured by a valve system.

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