Page 10 - Road Recycler Machine Attachments Brochure
P. 10

1) greater transmission torque,
2) less tool wear because of
lower rotor rotation speeds,
The single and dual gear 3) more effective ground pen-

The dual gearbox lateral etration due to smaller size.
reduction system, depending transmission (not available
on the RSL 100, 125 and 150
on the model, requires no models) perfectly transforms
forced hydraulic uid cooling engine power into grinding
power. Compared to a belt
under any work condition. driven transmission, the gear-
box transmission offers impor-
tant advantages such as:
This component's high heat
tolerance is an important

feature as it negates the need

for high maintenance parts

such as oil coolers and pumps.

It has a water injection spray

system for cooling or adding

of chemical stabilization wit ➔ h


10. The single and dual
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