Value Engineered Solutions® for Sustainable Connectivity
Mine Tailings solutions

Safety Measures Continue to Lag as Mine Waste Piles Up

Article Source. Jan Morrill “Safety Measures Continue to Lag as Mine Waste Piles Up- 10 March, 2021.

Harmony Kalgold- SOUTH AFRICA

The client was looking for a cost effective environmentally compliant sustainable solution for dust abatement and erosion control on one of their stockpiles.

Assmang Khumani Iron Ore Mine Stockpile Treatment- SOUTH AFRICA

A stockpile treatment for dust control and erosion prevention was conducted at ASSMANG Khumani Iron Ore Mine, whereby two adjacent stockpiles were documented, one was treated with a surface application of EBS Soil Stabilizer, while the other was left untreated. After three months 169 tonnes of material

Eastplats Mine Tailings Application- SOUTH AFRICA

Eastern Platinum (Eastplats) Crocodile River Mine in South Africa, required an immediate solution for dust control on the Mine Tailings complex, as the dust was causing problems for the local farming community, as well as hazardous work conditions. As the traditional method of using water through a


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