Rancho Santana – NICARAGUA

Rancho Santana - NICARAGUA

Soil Solutions was contacted by Rancho Santana’s Chief Engineer, Alan Vilchez, looking for a solution that would provide a smooth driving surface with reduced maintenance which was water resistant and most importantly would reduce the dust for better visibility for drivers and the safety of the community.

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Sir Bani Yas Island- UAE

Sir Bani Yas Island-  UAE

The project was managed by the Abu Dhabi Ministry of Culture and Tourism, who enlisted the services of Abu Dhabi based Scan Construction, who contacted Soil Solutions. The project consisted of – Stabilizing and Surface Sealing the Entrance and Access Road to the visitors point at the Monastery Site, the adjacent parking areas, walkways, and archeological excavation area.

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Bamburi Cement Video

Bamburi Cement Video
Bamburi Cement Video - Dust Abatement Bamburi Cement – Eliminating Fugitive Dust & Improving Operations Bamburi Cement reached out to Soil Solutions for a sustainable solution to reduce fugitive dust emissions caused by heavy truck movement on the plant’s access road. After evaluating the conditions and challenges,Read more