Mine Access Road Project- Buzwagi Mine Tanzania
The Buzwagi mine is located in north-west Tanzania in the Kahama district of the Shinyanga region, approximately 97 km from Bulyanhulu and 6 km southeast from the town of Kahama and it is operated by Acacia Mining. It is one of three gold mines Acacia Mining, operates in Tanzania, the other two being Bulyanhulu and the North Mara Gold Mine.
Already familiar with the benefits of an EBS Surface Seal as Soil Solutions has completed several other projects with Acacia Mining including the airstrips at all three mines in Tanzania a decision was taken to improve the road surface of the access road at Buzwagi Mine leading from the main gate to the village.
V-Drains were installed alongside the access road where possible and a diversion road was created to divert traffic during the EBS Surface Seal application. The access road surface layer required re-construction using a grader to skim the surface to remove any loose debris, fill in potholes, and remove corrugations and to crown the surface for proper drainage. The surface was then compacted and ironed creating a smooth wearing course. Once prepared the access road was surface sealed using multiple coats of the EBS Soil Stabilizer.
The EBS Surface Seal will preserve and protect the road surface from erosion, the formation of any undulations in surface (including potholes, corrugation and rutting), provide improved skid and rolling resistance, eliminate dust and provide a safer working and more pleasant working environment.
The EBS Surface Sealed road will eliminate any further requirement for grading or watering the road resulting in significantly less required maintenance and reduced costs.