EBS treated Mining & Quarry Access Roads EBS-Treated Mining & Quarry Access Roads – The quality of a road is directly linked to the efficiency, safety, and productivity of a mining or quarry operation. EBS Soil Stabilizer ensures dust-free, erosion-resistant, and low-maintenance roads, reducing operational costs whileRead more →
Improve Road Safety Eliminate Blowing Sand on the Roads Soil Solutions Sand Stabilization – Enhance road safety by eliminating blowing and drifting sand, which poses a serious hazard to traffic and increases the risk of accidents. EBS Soil Stabilizer provides a long-term solution to protect roads fromRead more →
Reduce Damage to Aircraft and improve Safety on Gravel Airstrip - Intelligent Airstrips
Soil Solutions Intelligent Airstrips – Enhancing Safety & Reducing Aircraft Damage
Gravel airstrips present unique challenges, from loose debris and dust to erosion and uneven surfaces—all of which can cause damage toRead more →
Value Delivered Company Introduction Video
Soil Solutions: Delivering Value Through Innovation
We provide engineered and customized solutions for:
Dust Control
Erosion Control
Road & Airstrip Construction & Upgrades Our solutions are designed for maximum performance, sustainability, and cost efficiency in even the most challenging environments.Read more →
Cost and Benefits Video - Water & Co2 Reduction
Soil Solutions – Cost & Benefit Advantages
Our innovative approach to gravel road construction and maintenance delivers:
Significant Water Savings 
CO₂ Emission Reduction 
Lower Maintenance Costs 
Longer-Lasting, Sustainable Roads
Watch theRead more →